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Corrections Partners

The following is a list of correctional institutions that have hosted Inside-Out courses:
  • Centro de Readaptación Social del Estado de Jalisco
  • Reclusorio Preventivo de Puente Grande, Jalisco
  • Centro de Reinserción Femenil – Puente Grande, Jalisco
  • Reclusorio Metropolitano – Puente Grande, Jalisco
  • PI Krimpen aan den IJssel

“Watching the men transform during the program is very rewarding,” she says. “You can almost see the point where they realize they have more to offer than they thought. I’m hoping the program expands provincewide, so more communities can benefit from its success.”

– Terri DuTemple, Warden of the Nanaimo Correctional Centre in British Columbia Vancouver Island University News 3/21/2019

United States

District of Columbia

Sheriff Tom Dart called the benefits of the [Inside-Out] class "immeasurable."  

"We’re trying to get (inmates) to think differently about themselves and the world," Dart said. "They are capable of being college educated, they are capable of being in a college classroom and they’re capable of succeeding. For most people, that’s such a rote thing. For most of these individuals, that’s never been open to them."  

Dart said programming like this is "a critical component to stymie recidivism".

"My strong hope is that we are actually having a seismic change in the way we view corrections," Dart said. "It needs to be a transformative location. When you have large amounts of the populations and your only goal is to feed them and shuffle them back and forth to court, you’re not doing your job.”

– Sheriff Tom Dart, Chicago's Cook County Jail
Chicago Tribune


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New York

"Programs like Inside-Out are proven to reduce recidivism among the formerly incarcerated, and prepare them for life outside the fences as a contributing member of their communities. It is far less expensive to educate a person and have them become a positive member of society than it is to keep them incarcerated."

– Rob Philips, Education Supervisor at The Swannanoa Correctional Center for Women in North Carolina
Mountain Express

South Carolina
  • Coastal Pre-Release Center

Click here to apply to the 2025 Inside-Out Instructor Training Institutes.